Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ancestor Dinner

All Hallow's Eve, the night the moon, the sun and the planets create a magical configuration.
I think of it as a triangle to slide between the worlds.
Creating an opportunity to see other realms. A place where our loved ones now reside.
Giving a few of us precious moments and messages.
Healing sad hearts with knowledge that their life continues in another dimension.
A wonderful tradition is to acknowledge your special ancestors and special pets with a ancestor dinner.

I host an anual All Hallow's Eve Seance' where I create an ancestor table to show honor and respect for our loved ones in the spirit world.
You can create your own family custom by setting a table and adding one extra plate for your ancestors.
The meal should include typical fall foods like apples, turnips, sweet potatoes, apple pie, squash, apple cider.

It is traditional to use things that are harvested this time of year.

The oldest family member says a special blessing for the harvest food on the table,
remember to bless the plants and animals that gave their life to sustain ours.
Then they call your loved ones to share the meal this evening.
Let your spirit loved ones know that we respect your journey here on this plane and the opportunities they set into place for us to come here as well.
As well as the lessons you learned from them.
As the oldest family member serves the food, they place a small portion on to the ancestor plate first. As you eat the meal you ask each family member to share a story of a loved one. Maybe a special meal they made or some funny stories.
This is a way to keep a live the ones who have gone on before us and to show them respect as well.
You can also take turns giving messages to each other.
Just play and let the spirit move you.
Then we pass around the apple cider and together toast our special friends and family members in the spirit world. We acknowledge we know they are still with us and are appreciate of their part in our life. If you have unfinished business this is a time to let go of the past , forgive and move on.
After the meal take the ancestor plate and a small glass of the cider or drink that was served to a space out side. If you know your Feng Shui, take it too the ancestor quadrant of the back yard.
Leave the plate and glass out there for the ancestors to enjoy as they see fit.
They may share it with the nature spirits. Whatever is fine. Reclaim your dishes the next morning.
Be aware of the nature out side, are there any special animals around? They might be there to give you a message from the spirit world. Are you open to receive?
Sometimes our loved ones in spirit will try to send a message through an animal. When you are open to however and whenever you get a lot more communication.

Have a powerful month!

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MarVeena Meek the Dallas Ghost Queen publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips for spiritual advancement and paranormal events.
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