Thursday, March 11, 2010

Creating Health and Well Being

Vibrant Health

Here are 7 tips for creating a Wellness and Vibrancy Plan. I am using the number 7 because it is a power number that corresponds with your Sacred Dream.

1. Write down the names of any one you have outstanding business with. Did they cause you harm, or pain, do you owe them money, do they owe you? After you have a list begin to go through it and do ceremony with each person on the list. Ask forgiveness if necessary, say what needs to said. If you need to forgive and let go then this is the time to do it! This is so important.

2. Eradicate the words illness, disease and cancer from your vocabulary, inform the people around you to do the same when talking to you. Just let them know that you no longer want to be defined by that, you are busy re-creating another phase and have some strong ideas about how to do that.
It is a part of stepping into our power, learning to set boundaries and insisting that people respect them on your behalf.

3. Make it your business to sit with your Soul/Spirit one time a day for 30 minutes. The 3 is a power number too, one of the meanings is life-death-rebirth. Meaning to re-birth ourselves a new, we must let some asspects of our self die a little death.
If we can die the little death successfully we don't have to die the big death(physical).
While we sit with spirit we want to have a dual approach, the first part is to send out our prayers to spirit.
The second part is to meditate and listen to what spirit suggests. There is a powerful way to pray and that is to not ask for any thing rather to say thank you for what you desire before you have it. In this case, Thank you Universes/God/Goddess/Angels for streaming vibrant well being into my physical, mental and emotional bodies. While you are saying the words, be feeling it on all of your five senses. Through visualization, pretend you feel strong, healthy, well, energetic, happy, peaceful etc...

4. Consult a holistic doctor who can help you detoxify the chemicals, metals and any parasites you have. These totally hamper your healing curve. A good holistic doctor can help you put together a supplement plan and good food approach. You will always need to be adjusting your supplements as your body shifts and changes through the cleanse.

5. Pursue yoga or another movement meditation to help move the Ki through your meridians. If nothing else do some walking. There are some yoga breathing exercise you can do in bed or in a wheel chair. Super important!

6. Consider some spiritual healing techniques to help you like Reiki, massage, acupuncture, EFT. A good practioner can help you determine where you have sluggish spots that are wanting attention, how to get some balance back into the physical.
Consider taking a Reiki 1 class to help you help your self!
Reiki is one of the few healing modalities you can do on your self. Yea!

7. Utilize some affirmations into your lifestyle.
Like I am feeling stronger and more vibrant all the time. I like feeling connected to my higher self.

These are a few steps to take to help you get back into balance. Always be paying attention to your gut instincts and what your angels are trying to tell you.

I would also consider giving away or clothes you associated with your illness. This is a good time to purchase new clothes for a fresh start. Look for power and healing colors.
Take a good look at your living pace, radically clean it out so there is no junk in your space. Only things that you love and use or are special to you. Everything else needs to go to a new home or the trash.

Try to eat only organic foods, at least get your dairy products organic and the majority of other produce.
Consider for the time being at least a raw food life style, If you have to eat meat get it Kosher, or do a Blessing for the animal that gave up it's life to nourish yours.
Take the time it takes to do it right, and your physical, mental and emotional bodies will be in a better frame to support your souls journey here. Be well!

(c) 1-3-2010 MarVeena Meek

If you would like to use this article in your e-zine or newsletter, you may do so. All I ask is that you keep it intact and include this complete blurb: From Dallas, TX MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on psychic development and spiritual awareness. You can sign up for it free at her web site.