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Texas psychic medium, MarVeena Meek, does psychic phone readings like you see on Crossing Over with Jon Edwards and the show Medium with Allison Dubois. A psychic medium can give readings in person, psychic phone readings or group readings. Dallas, Texas based Medium-Channel MarVeena also does Tarot readings by phone, in person, or email.
Mediumship is the art of crossing over the veil that divides this realm from the next. Psychic mediums can discern the presence of loved ones long dead or in (spirit) in private readings, seances or spirit circles. Our ancestors, Angels and Spirit Guides are focused in other realms. Our soul chooses different dimensions to help us gather experiences that allow us to grow and evolve. Today's mediums have come along way from Ouija boards and Ghostly apparitions.
If you are ready for a personal spirit journey using mediumship, MarVeena can be your guide. In a psychic reading she can relay the important messages from your family and Angels in spirit to empower you on your journey here and bring peace and closure as well. MarVeena is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairessentient medium. That means she sees spirit, hears spirit and feels spirit. As a medium she relays what she is seeing, hearing or feeling to you. A psychic medium or a channel allows their physical body to receive impressions from spirits beyond this world to give you messages that have relevance in your journey here.
I am MarVeena Meek and have had major psychic impressions since a near death experience in my early 20's. For the past ten years I have studied with Master Mediums, Shamans, and Medicine men all over the US. I have attended Mystery Schools in three different paths. I have studied the Mystical Teachings of Jesus, Buddhism, and The Sweet Medicine Sundance Teaching. Which is the path that has the most Heart and meaning for me. I consider myself a student of Theology and have studied all of the religions of the Eight Great Powers. I know there is beauty and Truth in all of these teachings and I feel they all lead back to the same Divine Oneness.
I am excited about having the opportunity to share these ideas with you. Mediumship is my passion and has brought great comfort to me and many fascinating hours of companionship from other worldly spirit. I have felt 98% of these spirit to be very friendly. I also have learned a lot of what takes place for most souls at the time of the transition know as death. This web site is my way of sharing my interpretation of what I have learned and witnessed.
I feel that the teachings within this website can have a significant impact in elevating the mass conscious mind to higher levels of spiritual awareness.
My teachers in spirit have taught me that part of our medicine is held within the vibrations of our name. My birth name is MarVeena, when you break down the name the first part Mar represent the strong warrior aspect of Mars in the light. Meaning someone who is active for teachings of the light. A warrior is a person dedicated to upholding sacred laws and living an impeccable life. The Veena represent the Goddess aspect, of bring beauty taking what is and bringing that to higher levels of beauty. So the Sacred marriage within my name Mar and Veena is the marriage of Mars and Venus, a warrior priestess. I feel part of my sacred dream is to help heal the Feminine and rebalance the Masculine energies to the Feminine so they are aligned and in harmony.
As a medium and channel I can help you connect to a loved one in spirit and relay their messages through psychic impression to you.
I feel strongly that my Act of Beauty is to give away, here in this dimension, is the ability to see beyond the veil and relay what I see to you.
I can also relay messages from your guides and angels to help you understand your journey here and how you can harmonize with your souls' path for a more fulfilling journey.
Part of my beauty allows me to see where you have blocks or imbalances and what you can do to move through this.
For more information see my web site at
MarVeena Meek972-564-0753
Texas psychic medium, MarVeena Meek, does psychic phone readings like you see on Crossing Over with Jon Edwards and the show Medium with Allison Dubois. A psychic medium can give readings in person, psychic phone readings or group readings. Dallas, Texas based Medium-Channel MarVeena also does Tarot readings by phone, in person, or email.
Mediumship is the art of crossing over the veil that divides this realm from the next. Psychic mediums can discern the presence of loved ones long dead or in (spirit) in private readings, seances or spirit circles. Our ancestors, Angels and Spirit Guides are focused in other realms. Our soul chooses different dimensions to help us gather experiences that allow us to grow and evolve. Today's mediums have come along way from Ouija boards and Ghostly apparitions.
If you are ready for a personal spirit journey using mediumship, MarVeena can be your guide. In a psychic reading she can relay the important messages from your family and Angels in spirit to empower you on your journey here and bring peace and closure as well. MarVeena is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairessentient medium. That means she sees spirit, hears spirit and feels spirit. As a medium she relays what she is seeing, hearing or feeling to you. A psychic medium or a channel allows their physical body to receive impressions from spirits beyond this world to give you messages that have relevance in your journey here.
I am MarVeena Meek and have had major psychic impressions since a near death experience in my early 20's. For the past ten years I have studied with Master Mediums, Shamans, and Medicine men all over the US. I have attended Mystery Schools in three different paths. I have studied the Mystical Teachings of Jesus, Buddhism, and The Sweet Medicine Sundance Teaching. Which is the path that has the most Heart and meaning for me. I consider myself a student of Theology and have studied all of the religions of the Eight Great Powers. I know there is beauty and Truth in all of these teachings and I feel they all lead back to the same Divine Oneness.
I am excited about having the opportunity to share these ideas with you. Mediumship is my passion and has brought great comfort to me and many fascinating hours of companionship from other worldly spirit. I have felt 98% of these spirit to be very friendly. I also have learned a lot of what takes place for most souls at the time of the transition know as death. This web site is my way of sharing my interpretation of what I have learned and witnessed.
I feel that the teachings within this website can have a significant impact in elevating the mass conscious mind to higher levels of spiritual awareness.
My teachers in spirit have taught me that part of our medicine is held within the vibrations of our name. My birth name is MarVeena, when you break down the name the first part Mar represent the strong warrior aspect of Mars in the light. Meaning someone who is active for teachings of the light. A warrior is a person dedicated to upholding sacred laws and living an impeccable life. The Veena represent the Goddess aspect, of bring beauty taking what is and bringing that to higher levels of beauty. So the Sacred marriage within my name Mar and Veena is the marriage of Mars and Venus, a warrior priestess. I feel part of my sacred dream is to help heal the Feminine and rebalance the Masculine energies to the Feminine so they are aligned and in harmony.
As a medium and channel I can help you connect to a loved one in spirit and relay their messages through psychic impression to you.
I feel strongly that my Act of Beauty is to give away, here in this dimension, is the ability to see beyond the veil and relay what I see to you.
I can also relay messages from your guides and angels to help you understand your journey here and how you can harmonize with your souls' path for a more fulfilling journey.
Part of my beauty allows me to see where you have blocks or imbalances and what you can do to move through this.
For more information see my web site at
MarVeena Meek972-564-0753