We have an awesome Full Moon this weekend.
There is a Grand Cross alignment and a lunar eclipse.The key to using this energy is finding the things you would like to change in your life. Create a fire ceremony of some sort. A perfect time to use the burning bowl ceremony. Write down the situation that you are wanting to change. Then release it to the fire.You can use a special fire ceremony to send out your desire for positive change. I use this ceremony in my full moon Labyrinth ceremonies.The burning bowl ceremony can be as elaborate, or simple, as you want to design it. The first thing I do is have each person write on a small piece of paper something or some quality that they want to manifest in the next moon cycle or year. If you have a secret name use that name to sign it. Close it with a symbol that is special to you or your spiritual path. A star with a circle around it is a symbol of manifestation of spirit into form. We then write on a separate piece of paper some thing or quality that they would like to give away in the upcoming month/year. This is their ‘give away’ prayer. For instance, “I give away my anger regarding my failed marriage.” “I give away poor concentration in school.” “I gave away my need for sweets.Some people will use special paper to write this on, like flash paper. I usually use plain white 2 x 4 inch paper. You can add any symbols to the message you like, for example an astrological symbol, or a symbol that has meaning and power to you.
You need a fireproof container to burn them in. I always do this ceremony outside. Have a lid handy for your container and a fire stick lighter. Create a special place or altar to do your ceremony on. I have a cast-iron container that I only use for ceremony.
I like to create a ceremonial space invocation/evocation calling the powers, elements and aspects that I desire in my circle. If you don't know one, then you can pray from the heart.
We put it in the bowl and let the fire spirits consume the paper. Then visualize the fire spirits taking it out on the ethers for manifestation. Then we start our ‘give away’ prayers the same way. We ask our ancestors since all ways and for always to witness what we are intending to give away in this ceremony. Then we light that prayer. I am from the old school which interprets that if the piece of paper burns right up the prayers will be answered, if not, there might be a challenge to the prayer.
So if your paper does not burn right up, your wish may not come true. At least not right away. There is something blocking it. It is your job to figure that out.After we all go around with our prayers, we thank all the powers, elements and all whom we invited in for their help. We open the circle.
The burning bowl has been a powerful part of my monthly full moon circle. One 13-year-old girl manifested a puppy, and a horse among other things with this prayer ceremony. So she is quite thrilled with the opportunity there. It has been a great way for us to really focus on what we want to accomplish in the month ahead and banish any quality that might hamper us from doing it. For more ideas see my web site at http://www.ghostqueen.com/
MarVeena Ghost Queen
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
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