Monday, February 15, 2010

A Message from the Grandmothers

I love this message from a very wise woman.

This letter comes to you with greetings from the Mother Lodge, We sincerely wish for you a year that brings you more autonomous, individual, freedom and deeper love for your self, life and others.
This email brings to you the words of Grandmother Dewa Santi, a clan mother of the Seven Great Nations. “As you see life taking its form each day, it is helpful to remind yourself it is unfolding according to the instructions of the Creator. The trees, the animals, all the worlds are indeed doing what they do according to the instructions of the Creator”.

Our teachings remind us that there is no separation, that we are in fact connected to the Everything. This means that also humans can choose to live each day according to the instruction of the Creator. We just need to get out of our own way to do so!

Sounds great doesn’t it? Perhaps the trees have it easier because all they do is give. Or the rocks, all they do is hold and transform. However we humans do it all, we give, hold and transform, receive, determine and catalyze. Humans, on the other hand were given the gift of free will. This is both our blessing and burden because it means we have the free will to stay connected and in alignment or to disconnect and go into separation.

Now the statement that says “According to the instructions of the creator” or “given by the creator” would lead us to think that life is predestined, but what about our free will? How can free will and predestination be in the same sentence with each other and not be contradictory? For the answer to this we must look at one of the Working Laws of the Magician. It is called the Law of Predestination and Free Will. It states that “Events are predestined, and each person chooses whether or to what extent to participate in them”. This means that the events in our lives are predestined and it is up to our free will to choose whether to and to what extent we will engage with them or not.

This law would tell us that it is not a coincidence that we are here at this time in history when incredible events are happening very quickly. Nor is it a coincidence that we are in Dharma and have found our Path with heart. These were all events that were predestined and you chose to engage with them.

Your birthright from the Creator is to be autonomous, individual and free. The great challenge of our time is to decide whether or not and how we are going to stay connected to Spirit.

It is a great and exciting time to be alive. The challenge for us is to stay connected, to insist upon our individuality, autonomy and freedom especially in this climate that is more and more demanding mediocrity, sameness and “correctness”.

Please join me in choosing and fostering freedom, autonomy and individuality.