Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Lunar Eclipse
We have an awesome Full Moon this weekend.
There is a Grand Cross alignment and a lunar eclipse.The key to using this energy is finding the things you would like to change in your life. Create a fire ceremony of some sort. A perfect time to use the burning bowl ceremony. Write down the situation that you are wanting to change. Then release it to the fire.You can use a special fire ceremony to send out your desire for positive change. I use this ceremony in my full moon Labyrinth ceremonies.The burning bowl ceremony can be as elaborate, or simple, as you want to design it. The first thing I do is have each person write on a small piece of paper something or some quality that they want to manifest in the next moon cycle or year. If you have a secret name use that name to sign it. Close it with a symbol that is special to you or your spiritual path. A star with a circle around it is a symbol of manifestation of spirit into form. We then write on a separate piece of paper some thing or quality that they would like to give away in the upcoming month/year. This is their ‘give away’ prayer. For instance, “I give away my anger regarding my failed marriage.” “I give away poor concentration in school.” “I gave away my need for sweets.Some people will use special paper to write this on, like flash paper. I usually use plain white 2 x 4 inch paper. You can add any symbols to the message you like, for example an astrological symbol, or a symbol that has meaning and power to you.
You need a fireproof container to burn them in. I always do this ceremony outside. Have a lid handy for your container and a fire stick lighter. Create a special place or altar to do your ceremony on. I have a cast-iron container that I only use for ceremony.
I like to create a ceremonial space invocation/evocation calling the powers, elements and aspects that I desire in my circle. If you don't know one, then you can pray from the heart.
We put it in the bowl and let the fire spirits consume the paper. Then visualize the fire spirits taking it out on the ethers for manifestation. Then we start our ‘give away’ prayers the same way. We ask our ancestors since all ways and for always to witness what we are intending to give away in this ceremony. Then we light that prayer. I am from the old school which interprets that if the piece of paper burns right up the prayers will be answered, if not, there might be a challenge to the prayer.
So if your paper does not burn right up, your wish may not come true. At least not right away. There is something blocking it. It is your job to figure that out.After we all go around with our prayers, we thank all the powers, elements and all whom we invited in for their help. We open the circle.
The burning bowl has been a powerful part of my monthly full moon circle. One 13-year-old girl manifested a puppy, and a horse among other things with this prayer ceremony. So she is quite thrilled with the opportunity there. It has been a great way for us to really focus on what we want to accomplish in the month ahead and banish any quality that might hamper us from doing it. For more ideas see my web site at http://www.ghostqueen.com/
MarVeena Ghost Queen
If you like this article and would like to use it in your e-zine or newsletter you may do so. All I ask is that you include this complete blurb: From Dallas, TX MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on paranormal and spiritual teachings. You can sign up for free at her web site http://www.ghostqueen.com/
There is a Grand Cross alignment and a lunar eclipse.The key to using this energy is finding the things you would like to change in your life. Create a fire ceremony of some sort. A perfect time to use the burning bowl ceremony. Write down the situation that you are wanting to change. Then release it to the fire.You can use a special fire ceremony to send out your desire for positive change. I use this ceremony in my full moon Labyrinth ceremonies.The burning bowl ceremony can be as elaborate, or simple, as you want to design it. The first thing I do is have each person write on a small piece of paper something or some quality that they want to manifest in the next moon cycle or year. If you have a secret name use that name to sign it. Close it with a symbol that is special to you or your spiritual path. A star with a circle around it is a symbol of manifestation of spirit into form. We then write on a separate piece of paper some thing or quality that they would like to give away in the upcoming month/year. This is their ‘give away’ prayer. For instance, “I give away my anger regarding my failed marriage.” “I give away poor concentration in school.” “I gave away my need for sweets.Some people will use special paper to write this on, like flash paper. I usually use plain white 2 x 4 inch paper. You can add any symbols to the message you like, for example an astrological symbol, or a symbol that has meaning and power to you.
You need a fireproof container to burn them in. I always do this ceremony outside. Have a lid handy for your container and a fire stick lighter. Create a special place or altar to do your ceremony on. I have a cast-iron container that I only use for ceremony.
I like to create a ceremonial space invocation/evocation calling the powers, elements and aspects that I desire in my circle. If you don't know one, then you can pray from the heart.
We put it in the bowl and let the fire spirits consume the paper. Then visualize the fire spirits taking it out on the ethers for manifestation. Then we start our ‘give away’ prayers the same way. We ask our ancestors since all ways and for always to witness what we are intending to give away in this ceremony. Then we light that prayer. I am from the old school which interprets that if the piece of paper burns right up the prayers will be answered, if not, there might be a challenge to the prayer.
So if your paper does not burn right up, your wish may not come true. At least not right away. There is something blocking it. It is your job to figure that out.After we all go around with our prayers, we thank all the powers, elements and all whom we invited in for their help. We open the circle.
The burning bowl has been a powerful part of my monthly full moon circle. One 13-year-old girl manifested a puppy, and a horse among other things with this prayer ceremony. So she is quite thrilled with the opportunity there. It has been a great way for us to really focus on what we want to accomplish in the month ahead and banish any quality that might hamper us from doing it. For more ideas see my web site at http://www.ghostqueen.com/
MarVeena Ghost Queen
If you like this article and would like to use it in your e-zine or newsletter you may do so. All I ask is that you include this complete blurb: From Dallas, TX MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on paranormal and spiritual teachings. You can sign up for free at her web site http://www.ghostqueen.com/
Thursday, June 10, 2010
From Karma to Dharma
A healing and clearing process.
If you feel like you have been hitting your head against a brick wall and life is turned against you this a good article for you. Karmic relationships are created by our souls to help us make good on a situation we participated in another life time. We might have hurt another person in some way and here we are in this life time being hurt for reasons we can't explain. Perhaps there is a reason that started before we were born.
Below is a check list to help you process karma with intent. Any thing that we do willing is easier for us to move through. We may still have difficulty but at least we are making an attempt to right any wrongs.
1. Each morning create an intention to be aware of unconsciously or consciously of individuals you have out standing debt with. You can get this info through your dreams or by meditating.
2. Meditate with your guides and ask them to help you have some clues as to who they are and what sort of pain and suffering you might have caused them in the past.
3. Create an intention to connect to your highest guardian angel and then to their highest guardian angel. Ask their highest guardian angel how you can make up for any pain and suffering you caused them with intention or not.
4. Make a list of all the individuals you think you have debt with. Only meditate on one a day. Maybe even one a week. Some times it takes a while to actually get a response and be in a position to apologize to their soul and let that piece go.
5. Reflect on this life time and any one you might have disappointed or hurt either intentionally or not.
Again connect to their highest guardian angel through your for a talk. Speak your heart, then give them time to "speak" theirs. How did the pain you caused carry through in their life? How has this pain affected them to this day?
Ask them if they can forgive you. If not ask what can you do now to make up to them.
6. If it is reasonable try to do it.
When you have paid your debts this life time and other life times it is easier to be in balance and harmony. Your relationships are more dharmic than karmic. Which is a lot more joyful!
As one of my delightful hypnosis teachers says "stay in love". See more info at www.marveena.com
Want to use this article in your newsletter or e-zine? You can as long as you publish the entire article intact, with credit to the author and with this blurb.
MarVeena Meek - Ghost Queen and paranormal expert publishes a weekly e-zine with tips and hints for your own spiritual development. She also shares her spirit events and paranormal experiences.© Copyright 2010 ghost queen communications All Rights Reserved.
If you feel like you have been hitting your head against a brick wall and life is turned against you this a good article for you. Karmic relationships are created by our souls to help us make good on a situation we participated in another life time. We might have hurt another person in some way and here we are in this life time being hurt for reasons we can't explain. Perhaps there is a reason that started before we were born.
Below is a check list to help you process karma with intent. Any thing that we do willing is easier for us to move through. We may still have difficulty but at least we are making an attempt to right any wrongs.
1. Each morning create an intention to be aware of unconsciously or consciously of individuals you have out standing debt with. You can get this info through your dreams or by meditating.
2. Meditate with your guides and ask them to help you have some clues as to who they are and what sort of pain and suffering you might have caused them in the past.
3. Create an intention to connect to your highest guardian angel and then to their highest guardian angel. Ask their highest guardian angel how you can make up for any pain and suffering you caused them with intention or not.
4. Make a list of all the individuals you think you have debt with. Only meditate on one a day. Maybe even one a week. Some times it takes a while to actually get a response and be in a position to apologize to their soul and let that piece go.
5. Reflect on this life time and any one you might have disappointed or hurt either intentionally or not.
Again connect to their highest guardian angel through your for a talk. Speak your heart, then give them time to "speak" theirs. How did the pain you caused carry through in their life? How has this pain affected them to this day?
Ask them if they can forgive you. If not ask what can you do now to make up to them.
6. If it is reasonable try to do it.
When you have paid your debts this life time and other life times it is easier to be in balance and harmony. Your relationships are more dharmic than karmic. Which is a lot more joyful!
As one of my delightful hypnosis teachers says "stay in love". See more info at www.marveena.com
Want to use this article in your newsletter or e-zine? You can as long as you publish the entire article intact, with credit to the author and with this blurb.
MarVeena Meek - Ghost Queen and paranormal expert publishes a weekly e-zine with tips and hints for your own spiritual development. She also shares her spirit events and paranormal experiences.© Copyright 2010 ghost queen communications All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Master Medium's
Master Medium's
John Edward & Allison Dubois
(c) by MarVeena Meek, 2010
Psychic Medium John Edwards of Crossing Over and Medium /Channel Allison Dubois who the hit TV show Medium was modeled have really turned the metaphysical and paranormal world upside down with their success.
Allison is known as the Paranormal Princess on Facebook. John and Allison both are Master Mediums, they tour and give modern day seance's they call gallery's or mediumship presentations across the country. They have helped take the spookiness out of equation and create a relaxed space , using humor to set you at ease. They proceed to blow you away with their scope of the unknown. I had the priviledge of training with a master medium in Dallas,Tx Dwanna Paul.
They have brought the beauty of mediumship and what it was intended for out in the open. The healing and transformation is apparent in the faces of those who hear their messages. When a person can hear a message and a piece of evidence that they know no one else could know. Their whole world can change in an instant. Years of sadness, grief and guilt can wash away with the blink of an eye.
Allison was seeing spirits as a child, since it is a little out of ordinary she didn't really know what to do with the messages and things she heard and felt.
John's gift as brought on by the early death of his beloved mother. A medium told him that she was at peace and that he too had this abililty to see beyond the veil. Hearing these messages from his mom helped to ease some of the pain of losing her. He knows first hand how healing it can be to have a connection with some one in the spirit world.
This is what helps mediums to move forward and relay the messages they get.
My teacher Dwanna Paul was hearing spirits as a youngster too, she started studying spirituality at a very young age. Mediumship can always be refined and taken to another level. Which is what Allison Dubois is an expert at.
Even though we all have some psychic ability, it is a part of our survival mechanism. The physical apparatus of a medium is wired a little different than most people. They are a little more fine tuned, my dad called it being (high strung). They can perceive beyond the normal range of hearing and visual perception.
For mediums like John and Allison, connecting to our loved ones in spirit through mediumship is a simple matter of adjusting our awareness and allowing our senses to go beyond this three-dimensional physical reality. We have the five basic senses of touch, sight, feel, smell and hearing. These senses function in the physical realm. Our light bodies can also hear, see and feel. We call this clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairessentience. The medium is able to use these senses a great deal more than most people. physical body has several layers or extended bodies that most people cannot see with their ordinary eyes. This is appropriate for this experience here on Earth. However, we have layers of energy bodies that have different functions.
These layers are called our light bodies. The light bodies consist of our emotional body, mental body, soul body, soul emotional body, soul mental body and casual body. All of these bodies interconnect with each other and the physical body.
At the time of death, the emotional, mental, soul, soul emotional, soul mental, and casual bodies (light bodies) pull away from the physical body taking the life force with them. The soul now exists in the astral body. Which is appropriate for the astral realm. The light body spirit still has feelings for the loved ones left behind and is still able to think and process thought.
Learn more about spirits and the process of transitioning on my Bardo page in my web site.
Some mediums can use their perceptions to follow a trail so to speak. To track an origin or an end. In the case of Allison Dubois, she can perceive images and follow the trail to a physical body. Most mediums just follow the trail to discerning messages and whatever evidence that spirits can impart. Some mediums can hold the thread of communication and follow it to the families in spirit giving names of several relatives. This is how spirit works with me, very like John Edwards style of relaying messages. Some of my friends in mediumship can follow the trail and impressions inside the physical body to gather imagery and ideas about what might be going on in the physical body.
For the spirit entity to connect to a medium, all they have to do is merge the aura of the medium and connect their mental field to the medium's. Now a mind-to-mind communication takes place. Symbolism is the language of the universe. The disincarnate spirit will impress a message of symbols through their mental field to the medium's mental field. The medium will often hear a combination of words, see images and feel impressions from the disincarnate spirit. Usually the first thing the spirit will tell the medium is their name. If they had an unusual name, they might try to get their name across by using a song, like "Rocking Robin." I once had a young girl who was killed in a car accident come in with that song. The medium will hear the song over and over until they acknowledge it. Sometimes, the spirit will say something about how they died or give names of surviving members of the family, or special pet. They might show the medium scenes, and symbols about their life. I try to describe them to my client exactly as they are being impressed to me. It is up to the spirit to project, and up to the medium to receive.
If you would like to use this article in your e-zine or news letter you may do so. All I ask is that you keep it intact and include this complete blurb: Psychic Medium MarVeena Meek from Dallas, TX publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips for spiritual development and articles on paranormal experiences. Sign up for free on her web site at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClfo59UHQ_byguG75-fM8tZPwhArXK7wcA8omYtW8HDItmy14_IO6DvrjHfuvh46aLPL2ulolnMXe0wr8SxUup4zUqCIq-plLvGRFeOyjZKElw==
To learn more about John Edward go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClfEyDCMMmHA9K64MDgx4MAX5K5wPWSucdwQg-dQpOmM9jck4oFg0qz7G6B_aaQOKJAG2Lmjk2jm3usIrdxQke2yObfQlYb00C5mo2ft0bCKAg== and to see more about Allison Dubois go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClcgQ1JecbV6q9Ud4HB4GhUYR6c4Wvu_iXZMM4tXAtRpGP4uaDVUk5TcGj9w--aFove_MvXN330IvLo7v4Ba4wG9mcZ_o9rMoVBsGHIPdpVn_A==
To learn more about my teacher Dwanna go to her site at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClexubez4s13Px3qYru-svW1FPJpDIOOVDbFazyO2B37iN2xZVM1TJ-J8ojYH1WjfC9cZHAjIWdmTp2ginqweM2t4bER1VEpHQ3QtoG324--bw==
If you are interested in learning more about mediumship and life after death go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClfo59UHQ_byguG75-fM8tZPwhArXK7wcA8omYtW8HDItmy14_IO6DvrjHfuvh46aLPL2ulolnMXe0wr8SxUup4zUqCIq-plLvGRFeOyjZKElw==
MarVeena Meek-The Ghost Queen
Fan my page on Facebook at:
Ghost Queen Communications
John Edward & Allison Dubois
(c) by MarVeena Meek, 2010
Psychic Medium John Edwards of Crossing Over and Medium /Channel Allison Dubois who the hit TV show Medium was modeled have really turned the metaphysical and paranormal world upside down with their success.
Allison is known as the Paranormal Princess on Facebook. John and Allison both are Master Mediums, they tour and give modern day seance's they call gallery's or mediumship presentations across the country. They have helped take the spookiness out of equation and create a relaxed space , using humor to set you at ease. They proceed to blow you away with their scope of the unknown. I had the priviledge of training with a master medium in Dallas,Tx Dwanna Paul.
They have brought the beauty of mediumship and what it was intended for out in the open. The healing and transformation is apparent in the faces of those who hear their messages. When a person can hear a message and a piece of evidence that they know no one else could know. Their whole world can change in an instant. Years of sadness, grief and guilt can wash away with the blink of an eye.
Allison was seeing spirits as a child, since it is a little out of ordinary she didn't really know what to do with the messages and things she heard and felt.
John's gift as brought on by the early death of his beloved mother. A medium told him that she was at peace and that he too had this abililty to see beyond the veil. Hearing these messages from his mom helped to ease some of the pain of losing her. He knows first hand how healing it can be to have a connection with some one in the spirit world.
This is what helps mediums to move forward and relay the messages they get.
My teacher Dwanna Paul was hearing spirits as a youngster too, she started studying spirituality at a very young age. Mediumship can always be refined and taken to another level. Which is what Allison Dubois is an expert at.
Even though we all have some psychic ability, it is a part of our survival mechanism. The physical apparatus of a medium is wired a little different than most people. They are a little more fine tuned, my dad called it being (high strung). They can perceive beyond the normal range of hearing and visual perception.
For mediums like John and Allison, connecting to our loved ones in spirit through mediumship is a simple matter of adjusting our awareness and allowing our senses to go beyond this three-dimensional physical reality. We have the five basic senses of touch, sight, feel, smell and hearing. These senses function in the physical realm. Our light bodies can also hear, see and feel. We call this clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairessentience. The medium is able to use these senses a great deal more than most people. physical body has several layers or extended bodies that most people cannot see with their ordinary eyes. This is appropriate for this experience here on Earth. However, we have layers of energy bodies that have different functions.
These layers are called our light bodies. The light bodies consist of our emotional body, mental body, soul body, soul emotional body, soul mental body and casual body. All of these bodies interconnect with each other and the physical body.
At the time of death, the emotional, mental, soul, soul emotional, soul mental, and casual bodies (light bodies) pull away from the physical body taking the life force with them. The soul now exists in the astral body. Which is appropriate for the astral realm. The light body spirit still has feelings for the loved ones left behind and is still able to think and process thought.
Learn more about spirits and the process of transitioning on my Bardo page in my web site.
Some mediums can use their perceptions to follow a trail so to speak. To track an origin or an end. In the case of Allison Dubois, she can perceive images and follow the trail to a physical body. Most mediums just follow the trail to discerning messages and whatever evidence that spirits can impart. Some mediums can hold the thread of communication and follow it to the families in spirit giving names of several relatives. This is how spirit works with me, very like John Edwards style of relaying messages. Some of my friends in mediumship can follow the trail and impressions inside the physical body to gather imagery and ideas about what might be going on in the physical body.
For the spirit entity to connect to a medium, all they have to do is merge the aura of the medium and connect their mental field to the medium's. Now a mind-to-mind communication takes place. Symbolism is the language of the universe. The disincarnate spirit will impress a message of symbols through their mental field to the medium's mental field. The medium will often hear a combination of words, see images and feel impressions from the disincarnate spirit. Usually the first thing the spirit will tell the medium is their name. If they had an unusual name, they might try to get their name across by using a song, like "Rocking Robin." I once had a young girl who was killed in a car accident come in with that song. The medium will hear the song over and over until they acknowledge it. Sometimes, the spirit will say something about how they died or give names of surviving members of the family, or special pet. They might show the medium scenes, and symbols about their life. I try to describe them to my client exactly as they are being impressed to me. It is up to the spirit to project, and up to the medium to receive.
If you would like to use this article in your e-zine or news letter you may do so. All I ask is that you keep it intact and include this complete blurb: Psychic Medium MarVeena Meek from Dallas, TX publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips for spiritual development and articles on paranormal experiences. Sign up for free on her web site at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClfo59UHQ_byguG75-fM8tZPwhArXK7wcA8omYtW8HDItmy14_IO6DvrjHfuvh46aLPL2ulolnMXe0wr8SxUup4zUqCIq-plLvGRFeOyjZKElw==
To learn more about John Edward go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClfEyDCMMmHA9K64MDgx4MAX5K5wPWSucdwQg-dQpOmM9jck4oFg0qz7G6B_aaQOKJAG2Lmjk2jm3usIrdxQke2yObfQlYb00C5mo2ft0bCKAg== and to see more about Allison Dubois go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClcgQ1JecbV6q9Ud4HB4GhUYR6c4Wvu_iXZMM4tXAtRpGP4uaDVUk5TcGj9w--aFove_MvXN330IvLo7v4Ba4wG9mcZ_o9rMoVBsGHIPdpVn_A==
To learn more about my teacher Dwanna go to her site at http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClexubez4s13Px3qYru-svW1FPJpDIOOVDbFazyO2B37iN2xZVM1TJ-J8ojYH1WjfC9cZHAjIWdmTp2ginqweM2t4bER1VEpHQ3QtoG324--bw==
If you are interested in learning more about mediumship and life after death go to http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103281675835&s=1&e=001iI82BGVoClfo59UHQ_byguG75-fM8tZPwhArXK7wcA8omYtW8HDItmy14_IO6DvrjHfuvh46aLPL2ulolnMXe0wr8SxUup4zUqCIq-plLvGRFeOyjZKElw==
MarVeena Meek-The Ghost Queen
Fan my page on Facebook at:
Ghost Queen Communications
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A House Blessing
House Blessing!
Here is a fun way to do a house blessing.Remove all clutter from each room. Use a solution of water, vinegar and a little ammonia to wipe the surfaces in the rooms that you can. Start with the top and work your way down.Then sweep the floor and mop it with this mixture if your floors surface can handle it.Now take an equal mix of sage, sweet grass, cedar and lavender in a fire proof container.Light it up and blow out the fire, use the smoke to drift through the house. Start in the east and work your way clock wise around the house. Concentrate on the corners, and under furniture. If you have to re light it do so.Pick some pretty flowers out of the garden and put a small arrangement in each room.Have a small rock or crystal next to each bouquet. Go out side and see if you can find a small feather to bring in to each room by the crystal or rock. Light some small white tea candles around each arrangement. As you light the candles ask that the angels of the home be present and accept this gift of flowers in exchange for helping to maintain this home in beauty, peace and protection. Ask the angels of the home to be present and bless this home with the divine frequencies of love, knowledge and wisdom.Let the candles burn out and stay home until they are out. Be sure to monitor each room while they are burning to make sure the room is safe and no animals are around the candles.This blessing will help to reactivate the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom so they will continue to keep the correct frequency in your space.Make sure to stay present during the entire porcess!
Namaste'MarVeena-The Ghost Queen(c) 2010If you like this mini article and would like to use it in your e-zine or newsletter you may do so. I ask that you keep it intact and include this complete blurb:Psychic Medium MarVeena Meek from Dallas, TX publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on psychic development and paranormal happenings. You can sign up for free on her web site at http://www.ghostqueen.com/
Here is a fun way to do a house blessing.Remove all clutter from each room. Use a solution of water, vinegar and a little ammonia to wipe the surfaces in the rooms that you can. Start with the top and work your way down.Then sweep the floor and mop it with this mixture if your floors surface can handle it.Now take an equal mix of sage, sweet grass, cedar and lavender in a fire proof container.Light it up and blow out the fire, use the smoke to drift through the house. Start in the east and work your way clock wise around the house. Concentrate on the corners, and under furniture. If you have to re light it do so.Pick some pretty flowers out of the garden and put a small arrangement in each room.Have a small rock or crystal next to each bouquet. Go out side and see if you can find a small feather to bring in to each room by the crystal or rock. Light some small white tea candles around each arrangement. As you light the candles ask that the angels of the home be present and accept this gift of flowers in exchange for helping to maintain this home in beauty, peace and protection. Ask the angels of the home to be present and bless this home with the divine frequencies of love, knowledge and wisdom.Let the candles burn out and stay home until they are out. Be sure to monitor each room while they are burning to make sure the room is safe and no animals are around the candles.This blessing will help to reactivate the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom so they will continue to keep the correct frequency in your space.Make sure to stay present during the entire porcess!
Namaste'MarVeena-The Ghost Queen(c) 2010If you like this mini article and would like to use it in your e-zine or newsletter you may do so. I ask that you keep it intact and include this complete blurb:Psychic Medium MarVeena Meek from Dallas, TX publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on psychic development and paranormal happenings. You can sign up for free on her web site at http://www.ghostqueen.com/
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Creating Health and Well Being
Vibrant Health
Here are 7 tips for creating a Wellness and Vibrancy Plan. I am using the number 7 because it is a power number that corresponds with your Sacred Dream.
1. Write down the names of any one you have outstanding business with. Did they cause you harm, or pain, do you owe them money, do they owe you? After you have a list begin to go through it and do ceremony with each person on the list. Ask forgiveness if necessary, say what needs to said. If you need to forgive and let go then this is the time to do it! This is so important.
2. Eradicate the words illness, disease and cancer from your vocabulary, inform the people around you to do the same when talking to you. Just let them know that you no longer want to be defined by that, you are busy re-creating another phase and have some strong ideas about how to do that.
It is a part of stepping into our power, learning to set boundaries and insisting that people respect them on your behalf.
3. Make it your business to sit with your Soul/Spirit one time a day for 30 minutes. The 3 is a power number too, one of the meanings is life-death-rebirth. Meaning to re-birth ourselves a new, we must let some asspects of our self die a little death.
If we can die the little death successfully we don't have to die the big death(physical).
While we sit with spirit we want to have a dual approach, the first part is to send out our prayers to spirit.
The second part is to meditate and listen to what spirit suggests. There is a powerful way to pray and that is to not ask for any thing rather to say thank you for what you desire before you have it. In this case, Thank you Universes/God/Goddess/Angels for streaming vibrant well being into my physical, mental and emotional bodies. While you are saying the words, be feeling it on all of your five senses. Through visualization, pretend you feel strong, healthy, well, energetic, happy, peaceful etc...
4. Consult a holistic doctor who can help you detoxify the chemicals, metals and any parasites you have. These totally hamper your healing curve. A good holistic doctor can help you put together a supplement plan and good food approach. You will always need to be adjusting your supplements as your body shifts and changes through the cleanse.
5. Pursue yoga or another movement meditation to help move the Ki through your meridians. If nothing else do some walking. There are some yoga breathing exercise you can do in bed or in a wheel chair. Super important!
6. Consider some spiritual healing techniques to help you like Reiki, massage, acupuncture, EFT. A good practioner can help you determine where you have sluggish spots that are wanting attention, how to get some balance back into the physical.
Consider taking a Reiki 1 class to help you help your self!
Reiki is one of the few healing modalities you can do on your self. Yea!
7. Utilize some affirmations into your lifestyle.
Like I am feeling stronger and more vibrant all the time. I like feeling connected to my higher self.
These are a few steps to take to help you get back into balance. Always be paying attention to your gut instincts and what your angels are trying to tell you.
I would also consider giving away or clothes you associated with your illness. This is a good time to purchase new clothes for a fresh start. Look for power and healing colors.
Take a good look at your living pace, radically clean it out so there is no junk in your space. Only things that you love and use or are special to you. Everything else needs to go to a new home or the trash.
Try to eat only organic foods, at least get your dairy products organic and the majority of other produce.
Consider for the time being at least a raw food life style, If you have to eat meat get it Kosher, or do a Blessing for the animal that gave up it's life to nourish yours.
Take the time it takes to do it right, and your physical, mental and emotional bodies will be in a better frame to support your souls journey here. Be well!
(c) 1-3-2010 MarVeena Meek
If you would like to use this article in your e-zine or newsletter, you may do so. All I ask is that you keep it intact and include this complete blurb: From Dallas, TX MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on psychic development and spiritual awareness. You can sign up for it free at her web site.http://www.ghostqueen.com/
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Do Ghost and Evil Spirits Exist
The Exorcist
I remember when I was a kid this movie came out. It was so out of my box I couldn't imagine it could ever be real. In the movie they have the Catholic priests who are specially trained to cast out the demons, I thought if there is such a thing they probably only have one or two in the world. I mean how often would they really need to call on them!
Fast forward 20 years, I was learning to do Reiki and going through my training. One of the things that happens to some people when they take the Reiki attunements is that their third eye begins to open up. This happened to me as I was channeling Reiki to a client one day. Out of the blue I see a small ugly thing on his shoulder. I remember thinking this is different! My teachers never said any thing about small furry looking ugly critters. What am I supposed to do with this. It turns out the small furry creature was a thought form, the man was a former addict and had attracted into his life a variety of ugly spirits.
Not knowing what else to do I asked the angels to take the ugly spirit into the light and transmute this negative entity back to alignment with love.
This got me curious about spirits of a negative sort, how we attracted them into our lives, how can they really impact our lives and what to do to get them to leave.
I started by asking my Reiki teacher, she wasn't familiar with them. There was a little information in some of my Feng Shui books on space clearing. This led me to Spiritual Response Therapy and Soul Clearing through Soul Genesis. I took this training and began to use it to do clearings of different sorts for my clients.
It turns out that we can be latched on to by uglies in a few different ways. If we live with a lot of fear, this can attract Negative spirits sometimes even posing as guides for our higher good.
If we ever have a battle with drugs or alcohol, even prescription pills, this can lower our defenses against the dark side and attract to us Dark Lords, talker stalkers and a host of yuckie stuff.
Some times we might move into a new house where someone died a bad death and be attached by that persons spirit.
When these things happen it creates a lot of havoc in our lives. We can't function as we normally would have. We might do things really our of character. We may suffer from bad dreams, and dark depression.
There are a hand full of ways of removing these spirits, some times people are born with a gift from spirit just knowing what to say and who to call to help the spirits move into the light or at least to another plane of reality.
You can be trained in several different paths to do this. I have had training in four paths to help these spirits on into the light or too the astral plane that is perfect for them at this time.
Recently I was reading something on the air plane that the Catholic Church was having a hard time keeping up with the demand for priests who can perform these banishing's or exorcisms.
So it is good to be aware that is you feel haunted or things are just not right, to look up someone who can help you clear the ugly out.
I think that evil spirits create a lot of the unrest in the world and then prey on the fear and chaos that they stir up. So the more that we can stay in our heart space, trying to have unconditional love in our hearts. We are less of a contribution to the chaos and more a stabilizing factor.
I have more info on my web site about this subject under soul clearing and a radio interview you can listen to if you like.
Here's to clarity and spiritual freedom!
MarVeena-Ghost Queen
If you like this article and would like to use it in your e-zine , news letter or blog you may do so. All that I ask is that you keep it entire and include this blurb: Psychic Medium MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on spiritual awakening and psychic development. You can sign up for it free at her web site. http://www.ghostqueen.com/
I remember when I was a kid this movie came out. It was so out of my box I couldn't imagine it could ever be real. In the movie they have the Catholic priests who are specially trained to cast out the demons, I thought if there is such a thing they probably only have one or two in the world. I mean how often would they really need to call on them!
Fast forward 20 years, I was learning to do Reiki and going through my training. One of the things that happens to some people when they take the Reiki attunements is that their third eye begins to open up. This happened to me as I was channeling Reiki to a client one day. Out of the blue I see a small ugly thing on his shoulder. I remember thinking this is different! My teachers never said any thing about small furry looking ugly critters. What am I supposed to do with this. It turns out the small furry creature was a thought form, the man was a former addict and had attracted into his life a variety of ugly spirits.
Not knowing what else to do I asked the angels to take the ugly spirit into the light and transmute this negative entity back to alignment with love.
This got me curious about spirits of a negative sort, how we attracted them into our lives, how can they really impact our lives and what to do to get them to leave.
I started by asking my Reiki teacher, she wasn't familiar with them. There was a little information in some of my Feng Shui books on space clearing. This led me to Spiritual Response Therapy and Soul Clearing through Soul Genesis. I took this training and began to use it to do clearings of different sorts for my clients.
It turns out that we can be latched on to by uglies in a few different ways. If we live with a lot of fear, this can attract Negative spirits sometimes even posing as guides for our higher good.
If we ever have a battle with drugs or alcohol, even prescription pills, this can lower our defenses against the dark side and attract to us Dark Lords, talker stalkers and a host of yuckie stuff.
Some times we might move into a new house where someone died a bad death and be attached by that persons spirit.
When these things happen it creates a lot of havoc in our lives. We can't function as we normally would have. We might do things really our of character. We may suffer from bad dreams, and dark depression.
There are a hand full of ways of removing these spirits, some times people are born with a gift from spirit just knowing what to say and who to call to help the spirits move into the light or at least to another plane of reality.
You can be trained in several different paths to do this. I have had training in four paths to help these spirits on into the light or too the astral plane that is perfect for them at this time.
Recently I was reading something on the air plane that the Catholic Church was having a hard time keeping up with the demand for priests who can perform these banishing's or exorcisms.
So it is good to be aware that is you feel haunted or things are just not right, to look up someone who can help you clear the ugly out.
I think that evil spirits create a lot of the unrest in the world and then prey on the fear and chaos that they stir up. So the more that we can stay in our heart space, trying to have unconditional love in our hearts. We are less of a contribution to the chaos and more a stabilizing factor.
I have more info on my web site about this subject under soul clearing and a radio interview you can listen to if you like.
Here's to clarity and spiritual freedom!
MarVeena-Ghost Queen
If you like this article and would like to use it in your e-zine , news letter or blog you may do so. All that I ask is that you keep it entire and include this blurb: Psychic Medium MarVeena Meek publishes her Ghost Queen E-zine each week with hints and tips on spiritual awakening and psychic development. You can sign up for it free at her web site. http://www.ghostqueen.com/
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
A Message from the Grandmothers
I love this message from a very wise woman.
This letter comes to you with greetings from the Mother Lodge, We sincerely wish for you a year that brings you more autonomous, individual, freedom and deeper love for your self, life and others.
This email brings to you the words of Grandmother Dewa Santi, a clan mother of the Seven Great Nations. “As you see life taking its form each day, it is helpful to remind yourself it is unfolding according to the instructions of the Creator. The trees, the animals, all the worlds are indeed doing what they do according to the instructions of the Creator”.
Our teachings remind us that there is no separation, that we are in fact connected to the Everything. This means that also humans can choose to live each day according to the instruction of the Creator. We just need to get out of our own way to do so!
Sounds great doesn’t it? Perhaps the trees have it easier because all they do is give. Or the rocks, all they do is hold and transform. However we humans do it all, we give, hold and transform, receive, determine and catalyze. Humans, on the other hand were given the gift of free will. This is both our blessing and burden because it means we have the free will to stay connected and in alignment or to disconnect and go into separation.
Now the statement that says “According to the instructions of the creator” or “given by the creator” would lead us to think that life is predestined, but what about our free will? How can free will and predestination be in the same sentence with each other and not be contradictory? For the answer to this we must look at one of the Working Laws of the Magician. It is called the Law of Predestination and Free Will. It states that “Events are predestined, and each person chooses whether or to what extent to participate in them”. This means that the events in our lives are predestined and it is up to our free will to choose whether to and to what extent we will engage with them or not.
This law would tell us that it is not a coincidence that we are here at this time in history when incredible events are happening very quickly. Nor is it a coincidence that we are in Dharma and have found our Path with heart. These were all events that were predestined and you chose to engage with them.
Your birthright from the Creator is to be autonomous, individual and free. The great challenge of our time is to decide whether or not and how we are going to stay connected to Spirit.
It is a great and exciting time to be alive. The challenge for us is to stay connected, to insist upon our individuality, autonomy and freedom especially in this climate that is more and more demanding mediocrity, sameness and “correctness”.
Please join me in choosing and fostering freedom, autonomy and individuality.
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